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"he ben, que j'aime les jouebs"
Pomme Rouge, un blogger anglophone (et francophone ?) parle de nous ! Je crois qu'il fait du marketing, alors il a un peu compris de travers et il decrit Niutopia comme une "Blogger-esque French company" qui souffre d'une "branding bizarrerie". Avant de vous moquer de moi, apprenez que vous n'etes que des "jean schmoes" qui administrent des "glorified message boards". ;-) Je joins ma reponse plus bas.
I just read that piece you published a week ago:
"okay, so it's a short list. i'll keep working on it, i promise. i gleaned all this from Niutopia, a kind of Blogger-esque French company that administers a network of jouebs. they stream advertising and some of their own content across everyone's joueb, and the majority (if not all) of the jouebs they run are basically glorified message boards on particular themes--cue the scary gerbil--that are administered by one jouebeur/-euse; the administrator isn't an employee of Niutopia, just some jean schmo who was walking down the street one day and thought, "he ben, que j'aime daft punk . . . mais ou sont les autres aficionades de la musique electronique?" and the rest is history."
You got some of it wrong. ;-) Tu parles francais ou tu as utilise le poisson ?
Niutopia is not a company, it's just a name for my blogging system. And there isn't any advertising on anyone's joueb. Jouebeurs can syndicate their content with other jouebs, but they don't have to.
"the relationship between c-est-tout.com, niutopia.com, and joueb.com is just the kind of branding bizarrerie this marketing person is taking a leave of absence from figuring out. go tell it to the montagne."
It's an historical bizarrerie. c-est-tout.com is an old name, a blog I created a couple of years ago. Niutopia is the blogging system, and I hosted it on c-est-tout.com. Then I thought about this joueb thing and changed c-est-tout.com in joueb.com. I'm not a branding person though. :)
I just read that piece you published a week ago:
"okay, so it's a short list. i'll keep working on it, i promise. i gleaned all this from Niutopia, a kind of Blogger-esque French company that administers a network of jouebs. they stream advertising and some of their own content across everyone's joueb, and the majority (if not all) of the jouebs they run are basically glorified message boards on particular themes--cue the scary gerbil--that are administered by one jouebeur/-euse; the administrator isn't an employee of Niutopia, just some jean schmo who was walking down the street one day and thought, "he ben, que j'aime daft punk . . . mais ou sont les autres aficionades de la musique electronique?" and the rest is history."
You got some of it wrong. ;-) Tu parles francais ou tu as utilise le poisson ?
Niutopia is not a company, it's just a name for my blogging system. And there isn't any advertising on anyone's joueb. Jouebeurs can syndicate their content with other jouebs, but they don't have to.
"the relationship between c-est-tout.com, niutopia.com, and joueb.com is just the kind of branding bizarrerie this marketing person is taking a leave of absence from figuring out. go tell it to the montagne."
It's an historical bizarrerie. c-est-tout.com is an old name, a blog I created a couple of years ago. Niutopia is the blogging system, and I hosted it on c-est-tout.com. Then I thought about this joueb thing and changed c-est-tout.com in joueb.com. I'm not a branding person though. :)
Ecrit par Biz, le Mardi 15 Janvier 2002, 03:26 dans la rubrique "Nouvelles".
Commentaires :
Woupi !
Morgat nous aime ! Nous aussi on t'aime bien Morgat. :O) Bon courage pour ta skin. J'aime beaucoup le coin en haut a droite. Par contre, si je peux me permettre, les changements dans les tailles de fonte des liens quand on passe la souris dessus, c'est moyen : MSIE redecale tout le reste en fonction !
Reponse de Pomme Rouge